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Coffee Morning!

Walking in today I saw a heron and it reminded me of walking along the canal to East Lodge last spring when I witnessed a heron dive-bombing a group of cygnets with their parents! It was very dramatic as the adult swans stretched their necks and spread their wings in a protective cloak around the fluffy grey babies. That time they were successful and the heron flew off without breakfast. I didn’t know that herons stole cygnets but the internet provided a huge selection of anecdotal and photographic evidence to prove what I had seen.

Putting out the Coffee Cake and Banana Muffins for the LSA Coffee Morning brought the image to mind again, but of course those who came to East Lodge today were polite and did not swoop down and devour the cake, however not much was left when the morning was over! I promised cake and there will be more next coffee morning 10.30am on Wednesday May 17th. It was great to have Tracy here, winner of the judges choice of the Sculpture and other 3D Works, and celebrate her achievement. There is still plenty of time to come and register your vote for the People’s Choice.

Members of LSA at the Coffee Morning

Coffee Cake and Banana Muffins

So can you see the animated gif? Imogen and Tony have been working hard to get it on to the Lodge Log and it would be good to hear your views? I have had to have it on a continuous loop to counter a few difficulties with various browsers etc! I hope Tony has managed to put it up on the East Lodge Blog page! If not…next week!

Signing off a busy morning!  



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  • Meurig Hughes

    Fantastic coffee morning. I nearly swooped on the cake but manners ruled the day. Thanks Karen and Soolie for organising this. M

  • David Phillips

    I enjoyed the coffee morning as all there seemed very relaxed. The conversation was also stimulating with references to Philip Hook’s book Rogue’s Gallery, which was about art dealers. Not many seemed inclined to warm towards dealers but recognised their need, and how they keep the money flowing between artists and collectors. I also appreciated the lovely biscuits and the coffee which was free. I thought how splendid of LSA, the biggest and best art group in the area to be so generous, and I know how much they would love to join up with other groups so all artists could be part of one huge happy family. I thought the exhibition was thrilling with a variety of work from lovely dolphins to intriguing pieces,

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