Leamington Studio Artists

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Welcome to the new blog


Welcome to the new venture for Leamington Studio Artists a weekly blog by Karen Parker. I am a volunteer here at East Lodge Gallery on a Wednesday morning. I walk in from my home in Warwick along the canal, through Victoria Park and The Pump Room Gardens and then into Jephson Gardens to East Lodge at the Willes Road entrance to the park. My plan is to chat about my journey in, the artists exhibiting and the resident artists working here at East Lodge.  Something of interest usually happens…a couple of weeks ago Bryan
Kelly entertained a moorhen in his studio who made a mess and left without buying anything…!  Last week was our first coffee morning so if you came thank you, and if you didn’t make it you missed the cake! Come next time on April 19th!

I am learning and currently challenged by font, colour and gifs!  Follow the blog to see how I improve!


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