Leamington Studio Artists

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Fostering a Safe and Respectful Environment Policy


Leamington Studio Artists [LSA] aims to provide a safe, supportive and positive working environment for all, based on collaboration and mutual respect. It is the right of everyone working with LSA, including resident artists, trustees, assistants, volunteers and participants of art workshops to work without fear of bullying or harassment. 

The Trustees are committed to providing an environment in which all individuals can work effectively. It is the duty of all individuals to treat their peers and colleagues with dignity and respect and to conduct working relationships in a manner that is courteous and professional at all times.

The Trustees are opposed to harassment and bullying in every form and everyone is responsible for their own behaviour in this regard. 

Any threatening, aggressive or bullying behaviour, as well as any harassment, unwanted sexual attention or behaviour, may result in a suspension from activities whilst an investigation is carried out by the Trustees. 

If a complaint is brought to the attention of the trustees, it will be investigated and appropriate action taken wherever warranted. 

This applies to both complaints against artists, trustees, volunteers and others who work with LSA in any capacity, and members of the public who are visitors or participants to any of LSA activities.



This policy will be reviewed every year.

Issue Date

Agreed by Trustees

Review Date

April 2024

June 2024

June 2025


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