Leamington Studio Artists

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Call Out – LSA Art Calendar 2025

Leamington Studio Artists is planning to produce an art calendar, which will be used to promote the organisation, but which will also promote the artwork of members featured. We intend to have the first batch of calendars printed ready to sell at Art in the Park on 3rd and 4th August. 

This is a call out for submissions from artists who would like their work to be considered for a page in the calendar. A selection panel will select 12 images. One of our members, Nicole Waymark, has designed the calendar layout and it can be seen in the images above.

There is no theme and images do not need to be seasonal: our goal is to showcase the high quality and variety of art that is produced by our members. 

Each artist featured will also have a short (max 30 words) bio, along with website and social media details.

Please submit your images to Sue Bent Sue.leamingtonstudioartists@gmail.com by FRIDAY 12th JULY at 6pm 


If your image is landscape it may be slightly cropped to fit the design of the calendar. Your image should be a good quality version of your art but maximum 5MB. If you’d like to check if the quality of your image is suitable before submitting, please e mail Nicole nilouise33@gmail.com

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