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Hello on a wet Wednesday!

I was going to walk along the roads today as it was so wet, but as I approached the bridge by Tesco I suddenly thought I might see some ducklings if I took the canal towpath, so I changed my mind and risked the slippery slope, the mud and puddles down to the path and strode out with purpose. My new bag had the cake for the coffee morning in it, so I carried it carefully, but it was still covered in splashes and mud when I arrived! The bag that is…not the cake!

This is my photograph of the rain on the canal making beautiful patterns on the surface of the water as I walked in to East Lodge. I am not a photographer and rely on my phone, so I am pleased with the raindrop bouncing in the centre; serendipity, not skill! 

Scanning the canal for ducks, but with no luck as I puddle-jumped, I wondered if the muddy boots had been worth it. The drakes were all looking sad and solitary so the ducks must be still sitting on nests. However, as I approached the bridge that takes the canal over the river, I spied a pair of swans with something grey in the water.  Excited I slowed my pace and yes, there were cygnets swimming around the adult birds, four in total mirroring the grey fluffy clouds above and cheeping loudly to greet me. I kept my distance and just took a few photographs, I’ve been on the wrong side of an angry swan before!

Well I arrived at East Lodge very wet, but keen to help Soolie set up the coffee morning. Not much carrot cake left I’m afraid, but pleased it was popular, perhaps it was the orange frosting? Not sure what sort of cake to make next time, but I have a month to decide so come on the 21st June to sample the next offering.

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