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Frost! Really…?

Anthony Frost, Artist and Bob Devereux, Poet at East Lodge.

Well the promise of frost came earlier than the weather forecast predicted when the artist Anthony Frost called into East Lodge Gallery with his friend and poet/artist Bob Devereux last Friday morning.  Anthony and Bob were up from Cornwall to present, on behalf of Friends of Leamington Art Gallery, a sculpture by Anthony’s father, Sir Terry Frost, to Leamington Art Gallery & Museum. This was to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of FLAG.

Anthony and Bob were keen to see East Lodge Gallery and support Leamington Studio Artists. Looking around the facilities and admiring our lovely building they commented on how beautiful a setting it was, not only a great exhibition space, but also fantastic studio provision. Bryan Kelly was the only artist working that day and he was delighted to show his paintings to Anthony and Bob and to chat about their shared art.

Bryan Kelly discussing his work with Anthony Frost.

Bob was a gallery owner for more than thirty years and was very complimentary of the East Lodge and the work on show.  Both Bob and Anthony spent time choosing their choice of winner in the Sculpture and other 3D Works Open Competition and talked at length on why they chose each piece. Bob gave the few of us who were here an impromptu recital of one of his poems which was very entertaining. There was much laughter here at East Lodge on Friday and added to the happy atmosphere we try to maintain.

Please visit next time you are in Jephson Gardens and as the Sculpture and other 3D Works Exhibition comes to a close on Sunday you still have time to cast your vote for the Peoples Choice. The next exhibition is Sonia Bublaitis starting on Wednesday 3rd May.


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