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East Lodge News & Safeline Exhibition

What a brilliant way to start the new year – this exhibition shows the amazing standard of art that is developing with our young people.  They are the future of our art world and the opportunities that they have far exceed the art schooling that many of us received – art in all of it’s wonderful forms.  Please come and visit us this month – you will be impressed!!!
Safeline have invited you to attend a viewing  from 12.30 – 2.45 pm on Saturday 21 January.
Safeline and St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School 

The Safeline Seasons of Colour Art Project focused on the creation of artwork and photographs depicting the seasons and culminated in this exhibition.

The Project provided a creative and therapeutic environment to allow young people to express their emotions through art and photography.

Participants utilised a range of different methods including felting, alcohol inks, enameling and painting.

This art project was supported by a Safeline Art Psychotherapist called Melissa Keskinkilinc, who designed and led the artistic activities, and a professional photographer, Scarlett Shellis who assisted the young people to improve their knowledge and expertise.

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
The children within Year 1 and Year 2 created the artwork in room 2 of the exhibition.
Year 1 created pieces inspired by flowers,using pastels and paint.
Year 2 created pieces inspired by fruit, focusing on colour and collage.
These pieces were created with visiting artist Melissa Keskinkilinc, with the brief of ‘Messy Art’.

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