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At last I saw some ducklings today on my walk to East Lodge! An interesting black and white marbled duck with lovely fluffy black ducklings. Not the best photo as they were bobbing and swirling over each other, cheeping and squeaking loudly in their hurry to follow their mother. The was sun shining as if it was Summer! Is this it? I wished I had believed the weather report as my feet in my tan boots were rather hot! Resisting the temptation to stand and watch them swimming around I hurried on and continued up the towpath, because I was late but it was too hot to rush. Such a lovely day with the bright sunshine and everything suddenly blooming it was a beautiful walk.

Arriving at East Lodge it was with great excitement that we had received two boxes of new literature! Lovely new flyers to advertise membership of the LSA and lots of Open Studios brochures. Both are now here at East Lodge for you to pick up, to hand out to friends and family. Open Studios this year is 17th June-2nd July and at East Lodge we have Alex Purse, Sue Southorn, Gilbert and Tracy Csecs exhibiting.

Chris Freegard-Elmes with the new membership leaflets.

Open Studios 2017 brochure.

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  • Meurig Hughes

    Really great that we have the new LSA flyers – these are fantastic. Thanks to all involved in the design and production. I feel the Summer is really coming – so exciting. Also, really looking forward to the buzz Open Studios always brings.

  • Karen Parker

    Thank you Meurig!

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