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Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Walking in today I was thinking what on earth am I going to talk about in the Lodge Log today? Ducklings? Not again I hear you say, however there were some delightful yellow and brown fluffy ones snuggling together on the towpath.  Mother duck quacked loudly at me and advanced, attempting menace, but when I only shot them with a camera she plopped into the water and gathered the ducklings around her to swim off.

Ducklings June 2017

The recent wind and rain have left their mark on the countryside with fallen branches, puddles and a general untidiness that the wind has whipped up. Branches along the canal and from the Linden trees in the Pump Room Gardens were everywhere and pine cones scattered along my route to East Lodge. My feeling of preparedness from last week disrupted!

The weather is always a subject for chat in England, an American friend living here for a few months said to me once “Now I understand why you Brits talk about the weather so much, all the seasons in one day!” Back to thinking what to write on my walk in, I remembered my husband offered the photo he took yesterday of a double-rainbow over Tesco in Warwick, which is the start of my walk. Not wishing to steal his thunder I won’t claim it as my photo, but it did lift my spirits when he sent it to me unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. A random fact in my head that the average person across the world sees only eight rainbows in their lifetime makes me feel doubly blessed to see two at once.  Or at least Andy did! 

Double Rainbow

Apologies for the Belisha Beacon! Thanks for the photo Andy Parker!

As I was walking along my phone rang and it was my daughter and strangely enough we talked about the weather! She told me an anecdote she had learned this week about the phrase “steal my thunder”; attributed to playwright, John Dennis 1704. He was affronted at his method of creating a theatrical thunder effect, that of rolling cannonballs down a pipe, being used in another production! He stood up during Macbeth proclaiming they had “stolen his thunder!”

Lots happening this morning in East Lodge. Gabrielle Rucinski had a pottery class and she sold a piece, Bryan Kelly sold some cards, visitors came in for Warwickshire Open Studios brochures and Art in the Park flyers! Visitors today were from lots of different places, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, London, Oxford, Hinckley and even Leamington Spa! James Callaghan who is exhibiting here at East Lodge 5th July-4th August, after Open Studios, came with friends. There were a couple of enquiries as to whether today was the coffee morning!  No! Sorry, because the coffee morning is on the third Wednesday of the month so the next one is 21st June. Hope to see you there!



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