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Busy Bees!

Jephson Bees


Busy this week! Fantastic Opening Party for Sonia Bublaitis and Olga Rudenko on Sunday such a happy atmosphere of celebration filled East Lodge and spilled out into the park. Wine, nibbles, good company, chatting about Art what could be better?

It has been busy here recently getting ready for the exhibition and the Party, and now clearing up afterwards and talking to the visitors today that have been coaxed out by the sunshine. Leaning on my broom as I swept the steps and then ventured down to the lovely garden to empty my bucket of water in the drain I realised the leaves had clogged it up. Scooping out the debris I became aware of the bees humming busily around the flowers in the garden, occasionally coming too close to my ears for comfort, but they were not interested in me! The Jephson Bees were reinstated last week, the hive cleaned, reinvigorated and repopulated with the busy workers, and are they busy?! Wow! Flying in and out and around…very busy indeed! Helen Ballantyne’s studio opens onto the garden and when LSA first came to East Lodge we were all a little concerned, especially Helen, about how we would be living with the bees. No worries! Ignore them they ignore you, but there is something soothing hearing the humming of their industry when there is time to sit with a coffee outside!


I have tried to upload a 10 second video of the bees making their hive a home, but the old East Lodge laptop, or maybe it’s my lack of experience with blogging, means that I can’t share it here for you on my Lodge Log.  A shame, but come next week to the LSA Coffee Morning and you can observe their busy-ness for yourselves!

Cake as always 10.30 Wednesday 17th May!


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