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A Triumph!

Thank you to all of you loyal LSA members who came to the Performed Reading at Coventry Cathedral and on to the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum for the Private View. It was most certainly a spellbinding event! I do hope those of you who are working on a piece were enthused by the performance and exhibition, and have set off to finish your work? Those who are not exhibiting, but came to experience the poem, maybe you will feel inspired to come to our lSA exhibition in response to Journeys with “The Waste Land” as well as the Herbert Art Gallery.

The date to register your intention to submit a work of art is Monday October 1st 2018, the relevant information and forms can be found on the LSA website here.

I add a link to the blogpost for more performance photos and information.



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  • Irina

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Could you tell me please, is it possible to submit ceramic pieces or have to be only paintings.

    Kind Regards,

  • Karen Parker


    This would be great! The Response to “The Waste Land” for the LSA Open Competition is any appropriate artwork, not just paintings. However, it would be useful to state on your registration whether it needs a plinth or case or anything to display it.

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