My Profile
- Basic InformationProfile DetailsAnnaJardine
Anna Jardine is an abstract painter based in Camberwell, London. She has just achieved a BA (Hons) degree in Painting at Camberwell College of Arts. Art is key to both Jardine’s self expression and interpretation of the world around her. It has long been her vehicle of both communication and comprehension. Her artwork involves depictions of her thoughts, writing, humour, hopes and more. It is a process of reflecting and revealing the core of an individual’s history without actually going back, and seeing the beauty of it, whatever memories lay there. “All of my artworks tell stories. I think storytelling is what I’m best at, yet I like how the stories I tell don’t have a face to them. No overtone of appearance – just feelings felt. I use colour and shape to provoke emotion. Peers tell me they see all kinds of shapes based only on raw memory. I like using personal photographs, entries and memoirs to have something to work with when painting. It gives me somewhere to start. I never really know how my paintings will turn out, but when I paint, it doesn’t feel like a guess; there’s always meaning.” Her intention is to build personal experience through my work, by conveying what people need to learn about themselves. She hopes that in time, her art will heal and hinder the fear we find within.
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