Leamington Studio Artists


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    Ilona's inspiration comes from being outside and exploring the lushness of nature. There is always wonder to be found. She uses bold, vibrant colours to accentuate the beauty that she sees. She works in a variety of mediums including acrylic paint, oil paint, inks and even sometimes industrial gloss paint to capture the intricacy of nature.

    We all have our favourite places and memories of those treasured spots that we go to in order to find our inner calm and focus. Ilona's paintings capture that moment, the pleasure of being immersed in simply looking, wherever that view might be.

    Ilona is half Finnish and her regular visits to Finland, being immersed in its vast lakes, forests and the glorious birch trees have been such a strong influence in her work. She lived in Bristol while she was studying for her BA and Masters in Fine Art but now lives in Stratford.

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