Leamington Studio Artists


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    Joe or some times “Creative Joe” was “created” in 1963 in London and enjoyed drawing and painting from an early age. Growing up in a conventional household it was thought that “you couldn’t really make a living out of art”, hence he set his heart on becoming a pilot instead of an artist. Age 14, he joined the air cadets and gained a Private Pilots Licence by age 17. Frustratingly, he was unsuccessful in his application to be an RAF pilot, so instead joined as an Aircraft Apprentice Engineer at RAF Halton before being commissioned as an Engineering Officer.

    Having served 8 years in the Royal Air Force, he left and joined the automotive industry in order to pursue something more creative. Joe started as an engineer, before being sponsored to do a Masters of Art in Automotive Design. For the next 20 years he worked as a car designer but still continued to paint in his free time – undertaking various private commissions, as well as exhibiting twice at the Guild of Aviation Artists Annual Exhibition.

    In 2019 Joe finally decided to pursue his true passions: leaving the automotive industry, regaining a Private Pilots Licence and purchasing a Shadow Microlight aircraft. He now works as a full time freelance artist and designer.
    He enjoys meeting fellow artists in the Society and finds everyone to be very supportive.

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