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Sculpture and other 3D Works


Back to Wednesday! Walking in today I must admit to being distracted by what has been happening with the Lodge bLog and all the difficulties with the limited selection of fonts I have available and I have settled on, or should I say leaning towards, the usual font in italics. I thought it would be interesting to have an animated title for East Lodge bLog, but little did I know how tricky this would be!  I do want to learn how this world of gif’s, png’s and fonts work and I’m afraid LSA is my guinea-pig, so I’ll keep you informed and hopefully you will comment, sympathetically of course, on my endeavour. Tony Cartwright and Alison Chantrey and Imogen Parker are my mentors, thank you!

East Lodge sculpture and other 3D Works April 2017

Today is the first day of the new Open Exhibition: Sculpture and Other 3D Works and it is a delight!  So lovely to see such a great selection of 3D work. Some cabinets full of intriguing pots, plinths and tables with ceramics and carvings, and some relief work on the walls. The Private View is on Sunday 9th April 2-4pm where the winner will be announced.  There is also an opportunity for the public to choose their winner, so please come along on Sunday or during the exhibition to vote for your favourite. 

I’m away at a family wedding next week, but I shall also be working on smoothing out the animation and on Wednesday 19th April, when I return, it will be the regular monthly coffee morning here from 10am at East Lodge.  Please come and say hello, vote for your choice of 3D work on display and there will be cake too!


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1 Comment

  • Imogen Parker

    Can’t wait to see the GIF!

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