Leamington Studio Artists


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    My art journey originally started out with photography. I soon became passionate about flowers and birds in particular and became an award winning photographer in these areas. After some health issues, I realised I needed to change my art form and through the inspiration of the Feckenham Artisans Group, I found I really enjoyed working with pencils – both coloured and graphite. This meant I could still follow my passion of birds and flowers, but with a different medium – I never gave up! I am now working predominantly in professional coloured pencil and graphite. These mediums lend themselves to unique techniques which I can use for tiny details in my work, bringing pieces to life and making you feel like you are really in the outdoors among nature itself. I am particularly inspired by my own walled, cottage garden in a small Worcestershire village, where I can watch the endless activity of the birds among the crammed borders and trees. I am also lucky to have an abundance of beautiful public gardens around me here in Worcestershire to take further inspiration from. I completed a Diploma in Botanical Art with the London Art College last year, and am now studying for a worldwide Professional accreditation with the Society Botanical Artists SBA to further my skills and knowledge in this subject matter. I am also a member of the ever growing Feckenham Artisans local group. My ultimate aim is to join the two subjects, bird and botanicals into one composition… but for now, this is the future.

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