Leamington Studio Artists


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    Worcester based self taught artist Martina Munn was born in Germany and grew up in rural Bavaria. Steeped in beautiful folk and naive art, close to the home of Gabriele Münter and Wassily Kandinsky. Her love for antiques and interior design started early but grew ever more throughout the years. You can always find her mooching through antique shops or markets but she also loves National Trust homes, museum trips ,art exhibitions and going for big walks with her lurcher. Trained antique furniture restorer and jewellery maker, her art is quirky, experimental,naive and sprinkled with folky influence and patterns. She paints mainly flowers and still life with great colour combinations but also animals. All of her paintings are in lovely pre-loved frames to reduce waste. These are often painted with patterns or bold colours, to compliment her artwork. Her frames are without glass to prevent reflections. Martina’s art is described as being playful, colourful and evoke joy. You can find more of her art on Instagram @quirkygreys.

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